Mobility calls for academic staff

Luarasi University provides, through the Erasmus+ program, the following opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff employed at Luarasi University:

  • Teaching visits to partner institutions (workshops, master classes, examining visits, etc.).
  • Training visits (job shadowing, continuous professional development activities).

The minimum length of staff mobility for teaching and/or training is 2 days; the maximum length is 5 days (travel days excluded).

In all cases, a teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay).

The minimum requirement (for teaching activities) is the level of knowledge of a foreign language indicated in the Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA).

The current open calls for the academic staff of Luarasi University are as follows:

Applications from the Economic Faculty and the ITI Faculty. Duration: 7 days. Application deadline: March 30, 2024

Applications from the Health Sciences Faculty, the Economic Faculty, and the ITI Faculty. Duration: 7 days. Application deadline: March 30, 2024

Applications from the Economic Faculty and the ITI Faculty. Duration: 7 days. Application deadline: March 30, 2024

Applications from the Economic Faculty, and the ITI Faculty. Duration: 7 days. Application deadline: March 30, 2024

Applications from the ITI Faculty. Duration: 7 days. Application deadline: March 30, 2024

Please submit your application by sending an email at [email protected]



The applications that meet the requirements are evaluated on the basis of the "Ranking Score (RS)" from the highest score to the lowest score. 



Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Evaluation Criteria

Language Score

20% of the total score

Benefiting from the programme for the first time

+10 pts.

Disabled staff

+10 pts.

Position within the organisation

+10 pts.

Having benefitted from the programme before

-10 pts.

Actively engaged in previous projects

 +15 pts.

Being an Erasmus+ coordinator

+10 pts.

Having made an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement on behalf of his/her department/faculty

+5 pts.

Is the staff going to his/her country of citizenship?

-10 pts. (if the answer is “Yes”)

To carry out activities to develop digital skills within mobility  

+5 pts.

Not participating in the mobility without giving notice of waiver in due time despite being selected for the mobility 

-5 pts.

Staff with 20 years or more of service

+10 pts.

Staff with 15 to 19 years of service

+7 pts.

Staff with 10 to 14 years of service

+5 pts.

Staff with 5 to 9 years of service

+3 pts.

Staff with less than 5 years of service

+1 pts.

Important: In cases where there are at least 2 members of staff who receive equal points, the member of staff whose service period is longer than the other will have priority.



A commission that the Rector designates is responsible for carrying out the evaluation process.